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Widgets & Shortcodes

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五月 20, 2013

The 27+ shortcodes WP Estate features are accessible from the Admin Editor and you can add them to any page or post. The structure of each shortocode is simple and intuitive so you can edit its content easily.

Column shortcodes have a unique feature: border. There are 4 different borders available to play with and create a unique design. Each border has a different color which you can change from Theme Options.

Other interesting shortcodes are: featured article, featured property, featured agent, slider, lists, tagline, recent items, icon content box, tabs, toggle and accordion, buttons, testimonials, video, Google Maps and tables.

Widgets give you freedom to design unlimited sidebars. Besides the standard WordPress widgets, we added 7 custom versions: Mortgage Calculator, Featured Listing, Contact, Facebook Box, Twitter Widget, Social Links & Flickr Widget.

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